Nanjing Chijing Chemical Plant Co.Ltd

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Marigold oleoresin

Marigold essential oil is extracted from marigold. It is also planted between tomatoes, potatoes and roses to prevent growing flowers from becoming a small nematode meal. All this shows that marigold should be an effective insecticide. It is also made into an ointment to kill destructive tendons in the wound. Its roots and seeds have a diarrhea effect, which may be used to help the body detoxify.

Marigold oleoresin is widely used in poultry feed. After saponification, the product forms free lutein, which can be prepared into powder and liquid feed lutein products through special processes. Its main function is to enhance the coloration of poultry egg yolk, skin and aquatic fish, and is a natural botanical coloring agent.

Our company-Nanjing Chijing Chemical Plant Co.Ltd is one of the largest manufacturers of plant extracts in China. If you are interested, you can visit our company's website for more product details and company information.