Nanjing Chijing Chemical Plant Co.Ltd

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Physicochemical properties and quality requirements of beet red

Beet coloring is a natural pigment obtained by extracting red beets from natural plants and using water as a solvent.The water activity has a great influence on the stability of sugar beet pigment, and the stability of sugar beet pigment increases with the decrease of water activity. Ascorbic acid has a certain protective effect on betaine.

Beet red is highly safe. In 1976, JECFA had stipulated that its tentative ADI does not require regulations. In 1982, considering the application and the existence of pure beetin, and the toxicological data was insufficient, the tentative ADI was withdrawn. At the 31st meeting of JECFA in 1987, it was re-evaluated to determine that its ADI does not require regulation.

Our company-Nanjing Chijing Chemical Plant Co.Ltd mainly deals in natural pigments and plant extracts. We have made great achievements in this field. Our company's website has specific contact information and detailed product descriptions to help you understand our company. We sincerely look forward to your inquiry.