Nanjing Chijing Chemical Plant Co.Ltd

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Talking About Beet Red

Betanin and vulgaxanthin are the two best-studied betalains from beets, and both have been shown to provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and detoxification support. The detox support provided by betalains includes support of some especially important Phase 2 detox steps involving glutathione.
Unlike some other food pigments, betalains undergo very steady loss from food as the length of cooking time is increased. For example, one recent study has shown the red betalain pigments in beets to be far less heat stable than red anthocyanin pigments in red cabbage.Beet Red is obtained by squeezing out, concentrating and pasteurising the juice of beetroots, Beta vulgaris. The root grows naturally in all temperate regions and is eaten raw or cooked in many parts of the world.Red beet color gives a bright red to bluish red hue, depending on processing and application.
Are you attracted by this marvelous Beet Red? You can know more by Nanjing Chijing Chemical Plant Co.Ltd.